Last Week I went over my first 7 online marketing and social media wishes for 2019. This week I finish them up.

Online Marketing Wish #8: Just be you
Let’s stop referring to other professionals and competition in a given industry as the “experts” and “gurus” and putting it in quotes when comparing services, offers and information. It doesn’t make anyone seem any better, more knowledgeable, qualified, or more trustworthy. This is just a common scare tactic. It could even be off putting.
Don’t feel you need to build yourself up and take others down in the process. Just provide useful and helpful information.
With that being said it’s much better if the market has given you that title than giving it to yourself. Remember, you will always be an expert to someone. With that said, I did meet someone at a trade show once who introduced himself as a “Social Media Guru” with a straight face (quoting his title). I couldn’t take him seriously.
Online Marketing Wish #8. Let's stop referring to other professionals and competition as the experts and gurus when comparing services and offers. Share on XOnline Marketing Wish #9: Value, Value, Value !!!
Value was probably the most overused word of 2018 and I’m sure we will see it more in 2019. Stop declaring that you are about to give value or drop “value bombs”. Just provide it with no explanation or introduction.
Online Marketing Wish #9. Stop declaring that you are about to give value or drop value bombs. Just provide value with no explanation or introduction. Share on XOnline Marketing Wish #10: Prove it
Stop preaching and talking about 6 figures! Or saying you made X number of dollars in X amount of time without even stating the price of the product or service.
Online Marketing Wish #10. Stop preaching and talking about 6 figures! Share on XOnline Marketing Wish #11: Vanity Metrics
Stop buying likes and followers. The big number is just a vanity metric.
A vanity metric, puts emphasis on the number of likes, followers etc an account has and the number alone, regardless if they are real or fake; the idea being that people are more likely to interact with accounts that have more of a following. The reality is when paying for likes their is a great chance that they are coming from fake accounts. This does NOTHING positive, and in the long run will not help you. Engagement will be low or non existent.
Stay away from companies that offer this service. Focus on organic or paid growth, where you know you can target and engage with your ideal customer. It’s just not worth it.
Online Marketing Wish #11. Stop buying likes and followers Share on XOnline Marketing Wish #12: Use Direct Messages for good, not evil
Stop sending direct messages (DMs) that go right in for the sale on the first point of contact. Would you walk up to someone at an event hand them your business card and walk away? Probably not. It’s the same thing.
Stop pitching to other businesses and professionals that offer the same service that you do.
Online Marketing Wish #12. Stop sending direct messages that go right in for the sale on the first point of contact Share on XOnline Marketing Wish #13: Mindset
All over the internet we see motivation quotes and images. Additionally, people talk about their experiences and positivity as it relates to their business or life. Positivity and mindset is important and can have an impact on any individual, business and it’s customers. When everyone is talking about positivity and mindset, the message can get oversaturated. If you honestly believe it works and you want to share it, by all means go for it. However, don’t feel obligated or pressured into incorporating motivation into your social media presence. Do what you think alines best with your personality and brand. Not everyone needs to a motivational speaker.
Online Marketing Wish #13. Positivity and mindset is important and can have an impact on any business and it's customers but not everyone needs to be a motivational speaker. Share on XOnline Marketing Wish #14: Stop using “RE” in marketing emails
Stop using RE in marketing emails that are NOT replies. At best, you’ll trick someone to opening your email and they will buy your product or service . At worst, they’ll go from confused to pissed off, and unsubscribe.
Online Marketing Wish #14. Stop using RE in marketing emails that are not replies Share on XOnline Marketing Wish #15: Webinar Pitches
I’ve lost count of how many webinars I’ve watched over the years. They have become very formulaic. They always start and end the same way; the END almost always includes the pitch.
I have no problem with the pitch or the pricing, (unless it ends in a 7. #1 on my list) it’s the set up that gets me. “You get all these modules at all these prices. A $$$ value, but we’re not going to charge you that, or that, or even that.” I know that there is a method to the madness but why not just offer a good product at a fair price?
It’s straight out of infomercials. If it hasn’t happened already, the consumer that watches multiple webinars will become desensitized to all of these tactics.
The online marketing world can be challenging. I understand that getting, grabbing, and keeping attention has become difficult. Everyone is bombarded with the never ending streams of content and ads. Because of this, we go to great lengths to be seen. We do everything we can to get prospects and customers. Still, I think there needs to be a better way. We can all do better. At the end of the day just be AUTHENTIC. Being authentic isn’t hiding behind a logo. It is showing you care about the consumer. It is about being real.
Going into 2019 and beyond. Let’s help people and offer good products and services without using any trickery, and smoke an mirrors.
Now that you know my 2019 wishes, please tell me yours. Comment below.
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