Online Marketing Wish(es) for 2019 Pt. 1

I have been in the social media/online marketing space since 2010. So much has changed in that time, and the changes keep coming. Looking back on 2018 and looking ahead to 2019, I have some online marketing and social media wishes. There are some trends in the social media and online marketing world that have been very effective, but there are some I wish I could change. Some may have run their course.

In some ways, I might be more aware of these methods than the average consumer. It is my job to study these strategies and the marketplace to see what others are doing, what is working and what is not.

I always try to look at things from the perspective of the consumer. After all, CONSUMERS are THE MARKET. We need to remember that the consumers have become very savvy and may be getting too familiar with the marketing techniques that we have been using. I will be breaking down some of these ideas even further in future blog posts, so make sure you subscribe.

First off, I understand that getting, grabbing, and keeping attention has become challenging. With the never-ending streams of content and ads, we as marketers and business owners go to great lengths so the content we all create can be seen.
With all this said, I think there needs to be a better way. A better way to market to consumers that can be more transparent; with less smoke and mirrors. A more straight forward approach to social media and digital marketing, will not only benefit companies but their consumers as well.
Internet Marketing Grapihc
Online Marketing Wish #1: The number 7

It’s time to stop ending prices in 7. I met someone at a party who said he now refuses to buy anything that ends in a 7. Is one person’s opinion a reason to change everything? No, but it’s overdone. The 7 has become the new normal.

Online Marketing Wish #1: It's time to stop ending prices in 7. Share on X
Online Marketing Wish #2:  Scarcity

It’s time to end the fake scarcity with seats or items available and countdown clocks. Don’t send out emails about live webinars and say that there won’t be a reply available and that “this isn’t a scarcity tactic” and then send an email the next day with a replay.

Online Marketing Wish #2. It's time to end the fake scarcity with seats or items available and countdown clocks. Share on X
Online Marketing Wish #3: Landing Pages

Let’s stop making landing pages longer than a CVS receipt. If it’s too long I lose interest and move on.  CONSUMERS probably do too.

Online Marketing Wish #4: Guilt

Let’s stop with the guilt ridden marketing messages. “You only have two options. 1. Work with me/us and I’ll/we’ll make you successful or 2. Go it alone and continue to struggle and fail.  Stop trying to make people feel scared , frightened, or guilty just so they buy your product or service.

Stop trying to make people feel bad they haven’t been able to achieve their goals, thus far, and scare them into thinking that they will not be able to do anything different even, with the new knowledge you have just provided. It’s not a good way to begin a business relationship.

Online Marketing Wish #4. Let's stop with the guilt ridden marketing messages. Stop trying to make people feel bad just so they buy your product. It's not a good way to start. Share on X
Online Marketing Wish: #5: There are no real secrets

Let’s stop using words like weird, trick, and secret when talking about marketing methods and naming products or offers. There is no need to hide behind these words. It’s about strategy, research, testing, implementation, and results. If you’re publishing the information and telling the world, it is no longer a secret, is it? 

Online Marketing Wish #5. Let's stop using words like weird, trick and secret when talking about marketing methods and naming products or offers. Share on X
Online Marketing Wish #6: Magically discovering solutions is a rarity

There are marketing messages that  claim people stumbled upon solutions to their problems, and everything was suddenly solved with one magical tweak. Now they want to share that same thing with you; mostly, in the online training space.

The online training space revolves around the selling and running of information and educational classes. Most of the time the classes are prerecorded and divided into different sections and are accessible 24/7/365. The class or webinar may also be attached to a Facebook Group where participants can go for interaction and support.

Trust me, people do not accidentally get lucky right away and discover one magical tweak that changes everything. If they do, then the challenge becomes to see if it can be replicated. You might get a bullseye on the first try, which is great but by no means does that guarantee it will work every time,
for everyone.  

People do not accidentally get lucky right away and discover one magical tweak that changes everything. Share on X
Online Marketing Wish #7: Customized strategies are necessary

Let’s stop claiming that there is a one size fits all solution or template for every single business in existence. Don’t say you have all the answers!

Think of the templates and information available as a starting point. Every company needs a customized strategy! There is no true fill in the blank marketing solution.

Online Marketing Wish #7. Let's stop claiming that there is a one size fits all solution or template. Share on X
Go here for Part 2.
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